PAPRIKA’s overall aim is to improve the quality of life of patients undergoing major surgery in Europe with better preparation that helps to reduce postoperative complications and improve recovery.
The project integrates short-term preoperative interventions, averaging about four weeks and including endurance training, promotion of physical activity and nutritional and psychological support. Interventions are planned both in the community and at the hospital, reducing unnecessary interactions between patients and tertiary care. The project also incorporates two digital solutions:
- an adaptive case management platform for professionals, integrated with the electronic health record (EHR);
- a self-management app for patients, integrated with the regional health folder.
PAPRIKA will roll out its services fully in Spain, France and Poland. The maturity of the programme introduction and development, and the healthcare systems behind it, are different in the three sites. This heterogeneity (common in the real world) will be managed by the flexibility of the tools and the expertise of partners.